Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Out of town

Good day folks, I was out of town for several days last week, but as you can see from the previous posts Brinson did not stop growing, eating, crying and making all of us happy.

These days we are not really comfortable having her sleep in her crib. So she is sleeping in the living room. Mommy takes the first shift and I wake her at 330am for the second shift. The reason for the concern is she is very spit up prone every since we have shifted from continuous feed to bottle/syringe. She is being forced to have 75cc in her gut in 1 hour vs the 3 hours before the surgery.

The good news is she is getting better and better. She can do 75cc several feedings in a row sometimes and doing most of it by bottle/ But other times she gets behind and is not able to drink by bottle or syringe the 75cc. Just too tired and/or full.

After loosing 1lb during the week in the hospital for surgery, Brinson has now gained all of it back.

Updates will go back to normal.....

Eating and Sleeping

The syringe in the photo is used for whatever she does not finish by bottle.

Bumbos away!!!

Brinson is learning how to sit up and she has a habit (we are trying to break her of it) of leaning her head a certain way.

Brinson and Zoe

Sunday, October 12, 2008

More bathtime video


Mommy made an executive decision and decided to mix a bit of rice cereal with her normal formula. Obviously she loved it. See!!!!

After my meal I just love to play!


Outing with Brinson

Brinson is still on restrictive contact with the outside world so our first outing (besides our hurricane party at Uncle Mike & KD's) had to be with family. So we packed in the car and went to Nana and Grampa's.

First time Brinson sucked down 2oz by bottle.

Nana and Brinson. And there is Nana in the photo, for her Great Grandmother's 88th birthday.

I am going through old photos.

Grampa is watching Jazz and trying to catch some Zzzzz

Here is Abuelo, just hanging out.